The Guaranteed Strategy for Auction Success!

Works 100% of the time!

Sydney is an auction city – love it or hate it, that’s the reality. Each year, I attend numerous auctions on behalf of clients, whether they're buying or just seeking advice. I also attend many auctions as a spectator, staying on top of market trends and strengthening relationships with sales agents.

There’s only one sure fire strategy to win at auction: be prepared to pay more than anyone else and offer an amount the seller is happy to accept.

That’s it.

How easy?!

Sadly, no amount of insider tips or auction strategies can help you if someone else is simply willing to pay more.

But here’s where a Buyer’s Agent adds real value:

  • Minimising the Price

    If no one else is willing to pay more than you, strategy becomes crucial. A key part of that strategy is knowing when to make the other party stop bidding, so you don’t pay more than you need to. 

  • Understanding Value Before the Auction

    Going into the auction with a clear sense of the property’s true value is essential. Buyers who spend more than six months searching often look back at their first auction and realise they should’ve bid higher – they simply didn’t understand the market well enough to see the real value at the time.

    Do not base the value of the property on the selling agent’s price guide. This is a marketing tool which is used to increase buyer interest.

  • Negotiating if Passed In

    If a property is passed in and you're bidding solo, the pressure can quickly become overwhelming. You’ll likely feel compelled to raise your bid in response to the agent or auctioneer's pressure. Having an independent buyer’s agent by your side with market knowledge can save you tens of thousands in this scenario.

Investment for value

I’m one of the few buyer’s agents who doesn’t charge a success fee for auction outcomes. Why? Because I invest the same effort whether we win the auction or not. I’ve been told that the value I offer far exceeds the $825 engagement fee I do charge. I understand that ongoing costs can be tough for prospective buyers, but I’m committed to offering value that justifies the investment.

If you’d like to find out more about professional representation at auction, click here.


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